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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Super Saturday Radioplay: Judge Dredd "The Day the Law Died"

For the next few Saturdays, we'll be putting up a full-length radioplay from the 1990s BBC Radio 1 drivetime era (So long as we can find them on the internet). Kicking things off is "Judge Dredd: The Day the Law Died" from 1995. The Beeb got the rights to two Judge Dredd 2000ad strips to cash-in on the Stallone Dredd movie that came out at the time. The play was stripped down to 3 min segments in Mark Goodier's Drivetime radio show. Sadly, after the two serials aired, the BBC declined to make more and the right expired not long afterwards). The serials were made by Dirk Maggs (a name you'll see in a lot of these entries) who also made the Superman & Batman serials in the early 90s, and who went on to make the latter Hitchhiker's Guide serials in the early 00's. A noticeable change in the audioplay for those who read the comic strip is the replacement of all scenes featuring Judge Giant with Judge Hershey (Who would be a much more recognizable character to those coming off the Stallone movie, as well as readers of the strip at the time). Anyway, sit back and enjoy this piece of underrated radio history.


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